Posts Tagged ‘dilemma’



Talking about “the last mile”, Sendhil Mullainathan, looks at how some of mental models stop us thinking rationally.



So when people play a game like the Prisoner’s Dilemma, what do they actually do? According to Peter Lunn in Basic Instincts, about half  “co-operate” He mentions how honesty boxes work on a similar principle (see BBC article). Is this a kind of “superationality” at work? – that we know that we’ll get more out […]

We all know that sometimes it does work like the Prisoner’s Dilemma. Take this Chinese story, Three Monks No Water: Everyone is somehow “forced” to settle for less than the best, even if it is an “equilibrium”.

Yes, it doesn’t correlate with human beings’ actual behaviour. Behavioral economics, the branch of economics that looks at people’s actual economic behaviour, has a well-known example that has basically the same structure as the prisoner’s dilemma. It’s called a public goods game.  Both players get €10. They can keep it, or put it into a […]

the trap


… what the whole story is I don’t know, of course. But one of the great things about wikipedia is the links, the “see also”, that sometimes take you off in a new direction. For instance, there’s a link to Adam Curtis’s documentary The Trap: But there was a small problem with Nash’s equations. They […]

It’s kind of magic, the prisoner’s dilemma. It gets you thingking about how people relate and why (although some people I know don’t like it). Here’s one version. You and your partner either Co-operate or you Defect. You both co-operate -> you get two each. You Defect while he co-operates -> you get three, he […]